[Caevlist] Fwd: Our 2011 Leaf SL

WALTER J EAGER eagerwj at centurylink.net
Sun May 18 14:52:36 PDT 2014

Leaf owners and perhaps others will be interested in the response below that I got from the Leaf owner who put 41,000 miles on his Leaf without losing any battery capacity bars. 

----- Original Message -----

Hi Walt, 

Actually, we didn't have the quick charge option on our car, so nearly all our charging was at 220 volts. We heard from the dealership that use of the high speed charging could reduce the battery life, that's part of the reason we didn't get it. Whenever we charged the battery, we almost (probably 95%) charged it to 100%. I would say we ran the battery down to at or below 20% for about 15% of the charging events. 

On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 8:49 AM, WALTER J EAGER < eagerwj at centurylink.net > wrote: 

Thanks, Paul. That is interesting information. A few members of the Corvallis car club, who have Leafs, reported the loss of one bar with substantially less miles on their vehicle than yours. They probably did substantially more quick charging than you did. To see if there might be some correlation I am interested in knowing approximately how many times you used a quick charger and to what percentage of maximum charge. It would also interesting to know approximately how often your vehicle was operated in the 0 to 20% charge range and how many times it was charged to 100% level. Your experience will be very valuable to other Leaf owners. 


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