[Caevlist] Sojourner Project Funding Suggestion

Kirk Rensmeyer krensmey at gmail.com
Sat Nov 24 15:14:18 PST 2018

Hi all,
     As an update, I have been in contact with Dave Nieman and he is
in the process of doing an inventory of  the parts of the Sojourner
vehicle that he has in storage. Dave has a contact who can provide
Hoosier tires and wheels for $200. So..to get this project "off the
ground"-and on wheels; we need $200.
      I have a crowdfunding proposal. For anyone who is interested in
contributing money toward a $200 goal I will join with a share. That
is, if one person offers $100; I will match it.
That is my maximum ($100) and I think that is more than fair. So if
four people offer to contribute; I would join as the fifth and we
would each contribute $40.
     First, I would be interested in what you think of the idea, in
general. No one has to make an offer right away unless they so desire.
Then in a subsequent email/discussion we could discuss money.
     The ultimate goal is to donate the Sojourner vehicle  to a
school. It's ultimate components such as drive mechanism are yet to be
decided. It will include one or more solar panels and a charging
system. All of this would be open for discussion and ideas.
             What think ye?
                                      Kirk Rensmeyer


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