[Caevlist] What's next?

Paul Wallace ianaudio at peak.org
Mon Feb 26 08:25:04 PST 2018

I found the Spark lease on Craig's List. A month or so later, I saw a Bolt lease available there as well. There are several sites which offer lease swapping connections: http://www.swapalease.com/ 


From: "Alan Batie" <alan at batie.org> 
Cc: "OEVA" <oeva-list at oeva.org>, "Corvallis EV CLub" <caevlist at caevclub.org> 
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2018 11:16:17 AM 
Subject: Re: [Caevlist] What's next? 

On 2/25/18 9:23 AM, Paul Wallace wrote: 
> Allen, 
> have you considered taking over a lease on a car which will cover your needs? 

I'm not even sure how to find such a thing, and am probably too picky to 
be able to find one. 

As of this morning my thoughts are: 

1. The Nissan sales guy finally called back and seems interested in 
making a deal; I really like the Leaf and even with AV issues, can make 
it work, so that's probably top choice. 

2. If that doesn't work, the Kia website says the lease on a plugin 
niro is pretty cheap. 

3. If the niro lease is vapor, then I'll try to push the Bolt dealer - 
the Chevy website says $360 for a 3 year lease, and bolt has the range 
that I can get where I want even with limited CCS charging. 

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