[Caevlist] ISO a HV charger

Paul Wallace ianaudio at peak.org
Thu Mar 18 07:09:27 PDT 2021

I’m using one of the Elcon UHF CAN controlled water cooled hmm series. They make a very nice 6.6kw unit which spans an output voltage range of about 100 to 440vdc. Orion BMS2 supports them directly. It seems able to maintain maximum output power until the BMS throttles it back for end of charge, something my Manzanita PFC40wc could never do. They are IP67 rated and fully isolated and work much better with level 2 public charging stations. With this much output voltage range, it could be the only onboard charger you will ever need.
Paul Wallace
----- Original Message -----
From: A V. <alex.van.br at gmail.com>
To: Corvallis EV CLub <Caevlist at caevclub.org>
Sent: Wed, 17 Mar 2021 21:26:12 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Caevlist] ISO a HV charger

Hello, CAEV group,

Last fall, about one week before I put my ev in for the winter, it's
charger started to have some issues. I've had it in pieces on my
workbench ever since, I finally got around to declaring it dead or as good
as dead today.
Now that it is getting nice outside and I know for sure that my charger is
dead, I am in search of a 'new' one and I thought I'd ask around to see
what people recommend, or what might be hiding underneath piles of dust in
someone's garage.
I have 56 LiFePo4 cells in series, so that's an end charge voltage of
198.8-201.6. I've got some extra cells, so I could go up to a maximum of 60
cells (BMS max) depending on what's out there. Also I shouldn't really be
using a Manzanita because my battery boxes are open to the air and a
non-isolated charger would be a significant hazard.
All comments are welcome!


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