[Caevlist] a very large table: recycling?

Trelstad, Brandon brandon.trelstad at oregonstate.edu
Wed Sep 23 14:04:11 PDT 2020

Hi all,
First, this is such an awesome group!  The table has been spoken for, but if anything falls through, I'll follow up with those who reached out to me, in order of their contact.

I'm encouraged and impressed by the responsiveness and diverse interests of those on this group.  Thanks everyone,

From: Trelstad, Brandon
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 1:04 PM
To: Caevlist at caevclub.org
Subject: FW: a very large table: recycling?

Hi all,
I know this is not EV related, sorry, but this email list is the best local network I know that might be able to take advantage of a time sensitive equipment offer, below.

OSU Surplus has not been able to find a taker for a large vibration isolation table described below, photo attached (I have a better photo but after 3 attempts held on this list because of file size, the attached is the best I can send).  It has been moved to the northeast loading dock of Cordley Hall.  The catch is that table is around 1,200 lbs. and needs a specialty mover (or someone who knows how to move a table like this).  I don't believe there would be a price (maybe $1) but the taker would need to move it.  I can try and find out a timeline but I believe weather exposure is the main urgency, with upcoming rain tomorrow - my understanding is that this is uncovered outside.  If someone wants to tarp it and provide a timeline, I can work with others at OSU to accommodate.

Please let me know and/or share this widely.  If not taken, OSU Surplus will disassemble and recycle what they can - it won't be landfilled any more than necessary.   Thanks!

From: David Maddison <david.maddison at science.oregonstate.edu<mailto:david.maddison at science.oregonstate.edu>>
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2020 4:14 PM
To: Trelstad, Brandon <brandon.trelstad at oregonstate.edu<mailto:brandon.trelstad at oregonstate.edu>>
Subject: a very large table: recycling?

Hi Brandon,

I'm a faculty member in Integrative Biology, moving into a temporary lab in Cordley Hall.  That lab had a large, expensive, absurdly heavy table in it.  It is a vibration isolation platform, to be used for holding special equipment that is sensitive to vibration.  In moving into the lab, multiple efforts were made to find a home for that table (as I didn't want it), to no avail.  I asked in the College of Science;  I know Surplus made an attempt; and Dustin Sievers, the Project Manager for OSU, made attempts to find someone who was interested.

Because no home was found, it was moved out into the loading dock at the NE corner of Cordley Hall.  Unless we can find someone, it will just go to the landfill, which seems like a shame.  It is worth >$5000, and of course represents a lot of environmental resources.  I think it weighs about 1000 pounds.  Any thought about how we might find someone would would be interested in this?

A picture of the table is below


David R. Maddison
Harold E. and Leona M. Rice Professor in Systematic Entomology
Director, Oregon State Arthropod Collection
Department of Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR  97331   USA

(541) 737 2834

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