[Caevlist] [Oeva-list] LIPO4 battery recycling

Gary Graunke gary at whitecape.org
Fri Jul 31 11:12:46 PDT 2020

An update: I have successfully sent my A123 cells to their final


I ended up calling Metro recycling in Portland. They referred me to a place
in Cornelius that sometimes recycles batteries (that was a dead end), and
the Metro Portland Hazardous Waste folks at 503 223 8133. They were very
helpful once I explained that I am a hobbyist with a one-time disposal and
not a business, and I had about 240 lbs of cells from power tools batteries
that I had repackaged into car-sized batteries. They asked for the
dimensions of the cells and the wattage of each cell. After checking things
out on their end, they called back and said I should wrap the contacts of
each cell in one of three type of tape:  packing tape, electrical tape, or
duct tape (but not scotch tape or masking tape). 


They suggested I call ahead before bring them in to make sure at least one
of the two people that knew what was going on were there. 


NOTE: This was just for my cells. The procedure is different for each cell,
so call first-don't copy what I did. 


On the day I finally had everything prepared, I called only to find out that
the two were not there that day. But the supervisor said that since I had
followed their instructions, I could bring them in anyway. It was very easy.
I brought in the MSDS for the cells which I found on A123's website, and
they appreciated that.


The person who unloaded them said they were most concerned about having a
fire-quite understandable. 


If I were doing this again, I would have discharged all the cells entirely
when they were still connected into the battery as an additional precaution.


So there is a way to deal with the final phase of our batteries. (The lead
ones were so easy-people paid us to take them back. Maybe someday Lithium
ones will be the same). 




From: oeva-list-bounces at oeva.org [mailto:oeva-list-bounces at oeva.org] On
Behalf Of Gary Graunke
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 6:53 PM
To: Corvallis EV CLub
Cc: oeva-list at oeva.org
Subject: [Oeva-list] LIPO4 battery recycling


My old Insight pack is ready to be recycled. I have 1380 A123 LiPO4
cells-all disconnected and stacked in wood boxes.


Is there anywhere around Oregon to recycle them?



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