[Caevlist] NDEW2019 Albany Update 2

Charles Bonville charlesbonville at comcast.net
Sat Sep 21 16:57:55 PDT 2019

Hello everyone,Thank you again to those of you that are planning to come to the Albany NDEW2019 event on Sunday, 9/22.  If you are bringing an EV and have not yet registered on the event page as a Participant, please do so.  https://www.driveelectricweek.org/2158I discovered that the Rides option was turned off for most of the EV participant registrations.  Any of you that want to give rides are welcome to update your registration.  (Conversely, there is no obligation to give rides, as your presence and conversation to share EV wisdom is the key goal.)If any participants have popup canopies (e.g. 10' x 10' size), and could bring one with you, this could be very helpful, looking at the showery forecast.  Perhaps bring an umbrella or two as well?  There are some covered areas we can gather ourselves  into if the sky really opens up, including the church building, where I will have light snacks available.Please plan to arrive about 11:15 to 11:25 (or later as needed for prior commitments).  We'll line up EVs along the west side of the parking lot, backed in straight, about 6 to 8' apart.  Ride offers will be done from Elm St adjacent to the west edge, probably starting about 12.Feel free to txt me at 5419796471 or email at charlesbonville at comcast.net if you have any questions.I will reply all with the latest event summary sheet later this evening, after gathering the last of the EV registrations.Thank you,Charles BonvilleSent from Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
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