[Caevlist] #NDEW2019

Charles Bonville charlesbonville at comcast.net
Wed Sep 11 16:18:53 PDT 2019

Hello CAEV,Looking at the National Drive Electric Week calendar, I see that there are not any events scheduled in Albany or Corvallis.I am going to be talking with members of my church congregation about driving electric (and going solar) on September 22, beginning at about 11:30.I drive a 1st Gen LEAF and today I made a connection with a Kia Niro BEV, who has tentatively agreed to make an appearance at my unofficial NDEW2019 event.Is there anyone else on this list that would be willing to bring their EV to Faith Lutheran Church at around 11:25 AM on the 22nd?  I think we could do great things by showing a variety of used and new EVs and answering practical questions about range, maintenance, charging and return on investment.This would mainly be for show and tell but I encourage you to offer rides (maybe not drives unless you're comfortable offering) as well, perhaps beginning at 11:45.If nothing else, consider it a chance to come see the new Niro BEV.I expect to make another announcement to my congregation on Sunday the 15th and hope to be able to tell some further confirmed details at that time, so any RSVP from you by the 14th is appreciated (and any others are welcome if you make a decision to attend at the last minute).Thank you for your consideration of this opportunity to share the EV grin.Regards,Charles Bonville(2012 Volt 9/12 to 8/14 and 2013 LEAF 5/14 to present)Sent from Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
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