[Caevlist] Dead Leaf

Gregg Swenson greggswen at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 14:33:46 PDT 2019

Although it's entirely possible your SLI battery is bad, I went through a
similar situation with my 2013 (seemingly) soon after I started using a
dongle for LeafSpy...

There were several threads on the Leaf forums on bad SLI lead battery
charging algorithms.  Basically, even though it would be easy to keep the
SLI leady perfectly charged, it doesn't.  Only several scenarios seem to
wake up the DC-DC converter and ramp up to 14.4v for charging.

This is bourn out by watching the 12v battery voltage on LeafSpy.  Only
when you turn on certain loads, like headlights, wiper, blower does the
inverter kick up to charging level.  Most times, the SLI battery just lols
around 12 volts (which is not fully charged).

I, of course, layed out $70 for a new battery at Costco before I researched
the root cause.  Within a few months I was in the same situation on a new
lead battery.

So: if you suddenly start driving short trips without headlights on; and
maybe not the wipers or blower so much (springtime), and you leave
parasitic loads like dongles and chargers plugged in, you are ripe for this

Some owners who exerience this (myself included) stick the SLI bat on a
charger for an occasional full charge (like when topping up wiper fluid,

A dumb solution, but it works.  I'm sure Nissan likes the service
appointments this generates for them... apparently, they haven't changed
the algorithm in your newer Leaf either.


BTW, I also have to pull fuse 34 every 30 days for 60 minutes in order to
re-register my upgraded TCU on AT&T for telematics connectivity.  Nissan
engineers won't fix that code either :-( it's a good thing I like this car!

On Mar 19, 2019 11:53 AM, "Alan Batie" <alan at batie.org> wrote:

> So, I went out to my Leaf to head into work this morning...and it was
> unresponsive - the 12V battery was dead.  I can't think of anything that
> would have drained it, so I put a charger on it and will take it into
> the shop and have them check it out...
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