[Caevlist] 2018 Leaf - First Trip Report

Alan Batie alan at batie.org
Sun Mar 11 12:11:42 PDT 2018

It looks like I missed an update: Last Wednesday, took a local 2018 Leaf 
SV on a test drive out to the freeway and tried the AV charging station 
- indeed, it failed: after it got all the way to "Ready to Charge", it 
errored out.

However, in the process, I verified that the regular SV has the 
intelligent cruise control, and they all have e-pedal, which are the 
main reasons I wanted the Tech Package, which no one around here has in 
an SV.  And in fact, the Pro-drive, which adds steering, I actually 
found a bit annoying as I felt the car was always fighting me.

So I went ahead and got it - I figure AV won't leave the problem unfixed 
for long, and I don't need them for 99% of my trips anyhow.  As it turns 
out, if it weren't for the battery heating issue, I wouldn't need them 
to get to either Seattle or Stanfield either, and it would only be 3 
charging stops.  But, alas, battery heating makes those trips unlikely.

I'm probably going to pay for my impatience big time in a year or so, 
but we'll see what's available then...

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