[Caevlist] Trips

Alan Batie alan at batie.org
Tue May 20 18:51:03 PDT 2014

Something Pat wrote in his blog got me curious, so I loaded the trip
information I've been downloading from Carwings into a database and did
some crunching:

3886 trips through April of this year (but it's missing 4 months in 2012
because I didn't realize they only keep 2 months worth of data and I
missed downloading it); "trip" is between stops, e.g. stopping for a
charge ends one "trip".

The most I traveled in one day: 290.9 miles
12 days/trips over 200 miles
54 100-200 miles
  37 in the range 160-250, which probably represents my trips to Portland
34 50-100 miles

750 days total
19988 miles total (accounted for)
26.6 miles/day avg
5.14 miles/trip avg

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