[Caevlist] Electric BMW 325

Robert Nicol robnicol at comcast.net
Thu Mar 27 18:40:56 PDT 2014

To the Corvallis EV community:

Many of you have seen my electric BMW 325 affectionately known as “AMP HOG”  It’s out of commission at the moment because the lead-acid batteries wore out and were removed.  A Lithium upgrade was a planned, but I have come to realize that I am not likely to complete it.  So, I’ve decided to sell the car.  A few particulars:
1995 BMW 325 is, 2 door.
Advanced DC 9.1” motor.
DC Power Systems Raptor 600amp controller (good to 156 volts)
Zivan NG-3 Charger can be programmed for different battery types.
Battery mounts are currently set up for 12 Optima D-31s, but will fit a 20kWh LiFePo pack.
Electric power steering and vacuum for brakes.
BRUSA DC-DC converter for 12V system
The car would make a good medium-sized project.  There is an opportunity to put your own stamp on it without having to do the heavy lifting of motor-transmission adaptor.
Seen here:  http://www.evalbum.com/2896
It’s hard to price something like this, but I expect it’s worth nothing close to what I’ve spent on it.  Asking $3K.
Please e-mail me directly if you are interested and spare the rest of the EVlist.
robnicol at comcast.net
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