[Caevlist] EVs, PHVs and the Independence, Oregon Parade

WALTER J EAGER eagerwj at centurylink.net
Tue Jun 24 09:21:25 PDT 2014

Hello EV and PHV Owners, 

A very informative report, entitled “Economic and Health Benefits of Driving Electric”, is attached for your information. It describes the financial benefits that are derived from driving electric and the health and security benefits that accrue for all of us each time a two-car family replaces one of their cars with an EV and one-car owners replace theirs with a Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle (PHV). 

Independence Day Parades provide us with a unique opportunity to serve the health and security interests of ourselves and the public by encouraging the ownership of these “smart vehicles”. Those of us, who participated last year in the Corvallis July 4 th Parade, heard very favorable remarks all along the parade route and had fun doing this. We probably are responsible for some of the additional EVs that we now see on the streets of Corvallis. 

There is no Corvallis Parade this year, but there is great one in Independence, Oregon. We (all EV and PHV owners and their families) have been enthusiastically invited to participate in it. Our plan is to stage a rally to Independence and participate with the Independence and Monmouth folks in all of their festivities. We hope to have a number of red, white and blue sequences in our showing, followed by EVs and PHVs of every other color. Marielu and I currently own a blue 2012 Leaf and yesterday bought a white 2013 Leaf. We sold our 2011 red one to friends. They will be in Colorado but have offered to lend us their EV. All we need is another driver to complete the first R-W-B sequence. We want many more of these sequences. This will persuade the public that EVs and PHVs are here to replace fossil-fueled vehicles as the vehicle of intelligent and responsible choice. 

All EVs with at least a 25 mile range can participate because there is a Level 2 and a Level 3 charger at the Dairy Queen in Monmouth. There are many more EVs and PHVs around town than last year. It would be wonderful to have most participate with us in this year's parade in Independence. We have contact with only a small portion of their owners, so please forward this e-mail to all of them, whom you know. 

There is a participation fee of $15 dollars for each group of five vehicles. We believe this parade is very important in reducing fossil fuel use, so Marielu and I will pay that fee for all participants. It increases to $20 on June 26, so please let us know that you will be participating in this parade no later than Wednesday, June 25 th . 

Happy motoring , 

Walt Eager 

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