[Caevlist] OSU Solar Vehicle racing this week and next Texas-Minnesota

Kat Han kathyhan4 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 18 17:17:21 PDT 2014

Hi Corvallis EV friends,

The OSU Solar Vehicle Team just completed it's second day out of three
racing at Circuit of the Americas in Austin, TX, and is gearing up for an 8
day road race from Texas to Minnesota, starting next Monday.  You can
follow the team on their Facebook page or here:

http://groups.oregonstate.edu/solar/ (this one is more exciting during
racing hours, about 9am-5pm Texas time- you'll see a view from the pit and
possibly even a map of where the car is, though that only works if one guy
puts his phone in the car).

OSU is currently in third.  They have raced in two completely cloudy days
so far.  We're expecting some sun tomorrow, which is good, because they are
out of power!

Have a great weekend,

Kat Han

P.S. Hai-Yue and I moved to Mountain View because he got a job at Tesla.
 I'm working for a small company at the NASA Ames Research Facility.
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