[Caevlist] New member and MiEV info

Michael Everett michaeleve at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 17 17:02:14 PDT 2013

I talked to Tom Roy a couple days ago and he suggested I get signed up for the list.
Thanks Tom.
Part of the reason I did it NOW is that there seems to be very few folks
that are aware of the extra $10,000 off of the Mitsubishi i MiEV that brings
it down to the high end of $13K after the tax rebate. Dave and I went up
to Portland and bought what are I believe the last two available in Oregon
a week ago.
The dealer says there's a couple left in Northern California. I expect this won't
last long. Email me if you're interested. michaeleve at yahoo dot com.

As for me, I've been at this for a while now.
The MiEV and a 2012 Prius are the current rides.

Previously there were a couple electric bikes and then 'R5EV' 
a 1980 U.S.ElectricCar 'Leopard' that was ex- Steve Lough
and Pat Sweeny (of blue-box/Ugly-Box fame) and which took
me to work for something like 8 years and is now in North Carolina
(and whose battery pack lasted 12 years, but that's another story)

Then there was the first generation Honda Insight (which got wrapped
up in one of John Wayland's projects) which got 71MPG for the 10
years I had it and now belongs to my neighbor.

Along the way there was a Revolution R1 (mistake) and the Zap Xebra
that somewhat famously burned down.

Not surprisingly the MiEV is the best of the lot.

Hope to make it to the next meeting.

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